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As we approach the 1/19 Water Board meeting the Omicron variant of Covid 19 continues to spread rapidly.  I believe from past discussions that we, as a board, appear to be in accord regarding safety procedures, including vaccines, boosters, distancing where possible, etc.


We continue to open our board meetings to all clients who request attendance.  An open board meeting does create the distinct possibility that we might have an attendee that does not believe or adhere to CDC recommendations regarding COVID.  Also, I believe that current Texas executive edicts do not permit protocols or mandates to be enforced, and the SREWSC is governed by Texas Open Meetings regulations.  However, we hold our SREWSC board meetings at private homes. Furthermore, a number of us, despite being “boosted”, are in the age demographic and possibly immune compromised conditions and that demand compliance with CDC protocols.


Therefore, I would urge that, at the very least, an addendum to our agenda strongly encouraging compliance regarding current vaccine and booster recommendation as well as other safety precautions. It is likely we will be indoors and this only makes sense to me. 

Chip Schwamb