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Urgent message fro Hays Trinity Groundwater Conservation District

An urgent message to groundwater users in the Hays Trinity Groundwater Conservation District,

Extreme heat and drought conditions have gripped the western United States in an unprecedented combination. Western Hays County and the Hill Country have not received adequate rain to keep our rivers and streams flowing or to recharge our aquifers. The United States Geological Survey (USGS) stream gauges in the Pedernales and Blanco Rivers are recording zero to near-zero flows. The USGS reports similar zero-flow conditions in the South Llano, the Frio, the Sabinal, and the Medina Rivers. The Colorado and Guadalupe Rivers are declining as well.  The US Drought Monitor reports western Hays County in Extreme and Exceptional Drought. The District’s Monitor Well System shows declining water levels. The District and local well drillers are responding to a significant increase of dry-wells and burnt-out well pumps. Water haulers are trucking at full capacity.

Aquifer and River conditions have not been this poor in the 20+ year history of the District -- including the 2011 Drought. Unless conditions improve by the end of July, the District will enter into EMERGENCY DROUGHT STAGE requiring a 40% reduction in use. Non-Exempt well operators will be required to substantially curtail water use. If you are served by a utility or public water supply, it will be alerting you of its own specific curtailment requirements. Please reduce water use by all means possible.  Make sure that dishwashers and washing machines are full before running them. Repair all known leaks. Please eliminate all outdoor water use including car washing, lawn watering, sidewalk and driveway washing. Please turn off all outdoor water features, including fountains. Please turn off swimming pool and pond pumps.

The sooner and more serious we are about conserving our drinking water, the longer the supply will last. Most of us do not have an alternative water supply, so please practice maximum efficiency and thrift until the rains return.

Thank you,

Charlie Flatten, General Manager

Hays Trinity Groundwater Conservation District

14101 Hwy 290 W, Bldg 100, Suite 212; Austin, Tx 78737

Mail: P.O. Box 1648, Dripping Springs, Tx 78620

Phone: 512/858-9253 Fax: 512/858-2384
