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Urgent message from SREWSC

Skyline Ranch Estates Water Supply Corporation Members (SREWSC) 7/192022

As I was composing this letter an E-Mail arrived from the Hays Trinity Ground Water Conservation District. Please see enclosed e-mail with this letter.

This letter is your update of current conditions regarding the Trinity Aquifer and the governing entity the Hays Trinity Ground Water Conservation District (HTGWCD)

First the good news: The SREWSC wells, pump plant, storage, pressure tank and backup generator continue to be in fine working condition. Much of this infrastructure is frequently tested to insure proper working order. Small maintenance work and upgrades are ongoing as required. The water from the two wells continues to be of the highest quality. Despite challenging weather during the last two winters and the current summer minimal disruption occurred.

Now the not so good news: As of the first of July HTGWCD has initiated a 30% drought stage curtailment for all water supply corporations as well as private wells under the Hays Trinity jurisdiction. Water conversation stages are governed in part by water flow in the Pedenales River, the Blanco River and Jacobs Well. Per the HTGWCD personnel the Pedernales River is dry as far as Johnson City, The Blanco river flow is below trigger numbers, and Jacobs Well has either quit flowing or is close. Our second well is a monitoring well for the HTGWCD. Since September 2018 the levels in our well have been recorded. A number of the SREWSC board, representatives of the HTGWCD board, and a technician from HTGWCD met at the well last Thursday July 14 to collect the most recent data. The water level is the lowest since we first started collecting data. As of the writing of this letter temperatures continue to be in the triple digits with little to no relief projected as well as little to no rain.

Conservation of water is now imperative. Please make every effort to minimize water usage. As we continue in the 30% drought stage, the Hays Trinity Ground Water Conservation District is charged with overseeing and enforcing the reduction of water consumption. SREWSC is required by state agencies such as Texas Commission on Environmental Quality as well as HTGWCD to have in place a conservation plan. This reduction plan mandates charging higher rates for unrestrained water usage by individuals based on drought stages and consumption. This mandate applies to both individuals and to our neighborhood collectively and compels additional water collection strategies, reduction or curtailment of landscape watering days, pool and water feature conservation or elimination.

As I noted above the “Drought Status” e-mail arrived literally as this was typed. We all need to be mindful of our daily water usage and do our part to conserve and to protect our well and the water available to us.


Chip Schwamb


Skyline Ranch Estates Water Supply Corporation Members (SREWSC) 7/192022


As I was composing this letter an E-Mail arrived from the Hays Trinity Ground Water Conservation District. Please see enclosed e-mail with this letter.

This letter is your update of current conditions regarding the Trinity Aquifer and the governing entity the Hays Trinity Ground Water Conservation District (HTGWCD)

First the good news: The SREWSC wells, pump plant, storage, pressure tank and backup generator continue to be in fine working condition. Much of this infrastructure is frequently tested to insure proper working order. Small maintenance work and upgrades are ongoing as required. The water from the two wells continues to be of the highest quality. Despite challenging weather during the last two winters and the current summer minimal disruption occurred.

Now the not so good news: As of the first of July HTGWCD has initiated a 30% drought stage curtailment for all water supply corporations as well as private wells under the Hays Trinity jurisdiction. Water conversation stages are governed in part by water flow in the Pedenales River, the Blanco River and Jacobs Well. Per the HTGWCD personnel the Pedernales River is dry as far as Johnson City, The Blanco river flow is below trigger numbers, and Jacobs Well has either quit flowing or is close. Our second well is a monitoring well for the HTGWCD. Since September 2018 the levels in our well have been recorded. A number of the SREWSC board, representatives of the HTGWCD board, and a technician from HTGWCD met at the well last Thursday July 14 to collect the most recent data. The water level is the lowest since we first started collecting data. As of the writing of this letter temperatures continue to be in the triple digits with little to no relief projected as well as little to no rain.

Conservation of water is now imperative. Please make every effort to minimize water usage. As we continue in the 30% drought stage, the Hays Trinity Ground Water Conservation District is charged with overseeing and enforcing the reduction of water consumption. SREWSC is required by state agencies such as Texas Commission on Environmental Quality as well as HTGWCD to have in place a conservation plan. This reduction plan mandates charging higher rates for unrestrained water usage by individuals based on drought stages and consumption. This mandate applies to both individuals and to our neighborhood collectively and compels additional water collection strategies, reduction or curtailment of landscape watering days, pool and water feature conservation or elimination.

As I noted above the “Drought Status” e-mail arrived literally as this was typed. We all need to be mindful of our daily water usage and do our part to conserve and to protect our well and the water available to us.


Chip Schwamb