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Drought and water conservation Update

SREWSC and HTGWCD emergency drought status.

We have now passed a full year since the Hays Trinity Ground Water Conservation District requirement for an emergency 40% reduction in our SREWSC water allocation.

We ended 2022 and met that requirement.

During the early part of 2023 SREWSC failed to meet the drought reduction requirements, due to leaks and frozen pipe issues, with an overage of nearly 20%. However, as of June 2023 we are now back in compliance, although barely. Thanks to all who conserved water consumption.

The last meeting of the HTGWCD on July 6, 2023 painted a bleak picture going forward.

  1. The emergency drought protocols remain in effect and likely through 2023 and beyond unless we see significant rain fall over an extended period and in the recharge zone north and west of Wimberley.

  2. In 2022 a number of large water consumers failed to meet the reduction and surpassed pumpage reductions as outlined by HTGWCD. And, we are told were fined for the overage. Still the water was drawn from the aquifer.

  3. The SREWSC is required to provide and update a water conservation plan. We have posted tariff costs based on drought and usage levels, rainwater collection information, eliminating or reducing landscape watering, car washing, and additional consumption that may be minimized. Some members are even catching water in showers to their water plants.

The facts and data prove that the aquifer has been impacted not only by low rain fall the last 5 years (more than 30” per HTGWCD) but also the increase, and continued increase in demand from residential populations, agriculture and commercial growth. The current Texas statues do not allow local jurisdictions to manage the future growth and development specific to water except in very narrow cases.

The RULE OF CAPTURE (look it up) is the law in Texas.

SREWSC wells continue to be in good shape and the water quality the best in the region. Today.

I have no predictions going forward…. save if we get no significant rain.

Well let us hope for rain



Chip Schwamb