Annual SREWSC Members Meeting scheduled for March 1, 2025
February 13, 2025
Notice of Annual Members' Meeting of Skyline Ranch Estates Water Supply Corp.
The annual Members' Meeting for the Skyline Ranch Estates Water Supply Corporation (SREWSC” or “the WSC”) will be held on Saturday, March 1, 2025, at the Wimberley United Methodist Church, at the corner of RR 12 and CR 1492, 2 miles south of the Wimberley square, Wimberley (Hays County), Texas 78676. The meeting will start promptly following the conclusion of the SRE POA meeting, which will begin at 10:00 A.M.
Open Forum: Members who want to address the Board or the membership should sign-in on a separate sheet at the entrance to the hall provided by the presiding director stating the topic they wish to address. Members will be given three minutes each to speak.
No motions may be accepted or action taken on issues brought up at the meeting from the floor (or on which a Member has spoken under the sign-in sheet procedure). All action items must have been included on the posted agenda. This limitation is imposed by the public notice requirements of the Texas Open Meetings Act and is not intended to limit any member's access for addressing any issue to the Board of Directors or the membership. Members can request that items be placed on the agenda for future annual (or special) member meetings or for future meetings of the Board of Directors.
Agenda for March 1, 2025 Annual SREWSC Members' Meeting
- Determine existence of quorum and call meeting to order. Presiding director will call the meeting to order following conclusion of the SRE POA meeting after determining that a quorum of the members are present. A show of hands of members (those have WSC water accounts) will be used to determine presence of a quorum. [WSC bylaws say 10% of the members constitute a quorum.]
- Review & Approve minutes from previous Members' Meeting (February 24, 2024). A copy of Minutes from previous annual Members' Meeting will be available at the meeting (or can be requested ahead of time by email from the WSC Board).
- Informational Presentations: The short agenda will include information regarding:
Current drought conditions
Required regulatory compliance (current HTGCD 40% curtailment, etc.)
Projected/anticipated tariff changes
Projected changes to the current board (if applicable)
- Open Forum: Comments from members who signed up to speak, limited to three minutes each.
- Adjourn.
Mark Hallam, President, SREWSC Board
A brief organizational meeting of the WSC directors will follow the annual members’ meeting.